A pile of junk which I hauled today from the forest? Oh no, far from it. It's crafting materials for collages. It will all turn into something like this:

Above is one of three collages I made last year for a group exhibition. Making the collages was so much fun and inspiring that I thought I'd give it another go. I really like the process how the collage comes together. When I'm drawing things, I first see the image in my head and then I create every detail, I can shape everything just like I want them to be. But with collages it goes differently. I wander around looking for interesting things, stones, pieces of wood, rusted metal, any object that will speak to me in a certain way. Somewhere in these objects is a story, which I have to find and put together, and I can only shape things to a certain point. I have to work with the shapes the objects have, I cannot make them to be anything I want like when I'm drawing. So it's a nice change to how I usually work.